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components_of_goldsms [2014/02/17 05:53]
components_of_goldsms [2014/07/28 13:40]
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-===== Components of GoldSMS ===== 
-|GoldSMS | (GUI, main user interface for sending "​onesie"​ text messages interactively)| 
-|GoldSMS Blast | (For sending out an SMS blast, or broadcast, to a group of contacts)| 
-|GoldSMS Pull | (Pulls inbound SMS messages down from the Cloud server)| 
-|GoldSMS Alert |(Pops up to let you know a Text has arrived for you)| 
-|GoldSMS Thread |(Threads the inbound and outbound Texts into an easily readable format)| 
-|GoldSMS Config| (Configurator for the GoldSMS module)| 
-|GoldSMS Blast| Config (Configurator for the GoldSMS Blast module)| 
-|GoldSMS Pull Config| (Configurator for the GoldSMS Pull module)| 
-|GoldSMS Master Config| (GUI buttons to launch each of the other three config modules)| 
-|GM Jump Start| (Resilience engine... tries to re-start GoldMine if necessary)| 
-|GoldSMS Service BETA| (Sets Blast and Pull modules to run as a service)| 
-|GoldSMS Service Config BETA| (Configurator for the GoldSMS Service module)| 
components_of_goldsms.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/07/28 13:40 (external edit)