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Components of GoldSMS

GoldSMS Blast

This component responds to SMS “jobs” scheduled in GoldMine for:

Activity Code: TXO
Activity Type: Other Action
Date/Time: Choose, or leave alone for immediate processing

It’s all well and good to send a single ad-hoc text to a contact… but what if you’d like to send out a thousand? You can do that by creating a contact group or filter, and scheduling an Other Action for the entire filter or group en masse.

Or, if you’re skilled with GoldMine’s Automated Processes, you can configure an AP event to instantly react to one or more conditions in GoldMine by scheduling a text message for immediate delivery.

The GoldSMS component that does this is called GoldSMSBlast, and it turns Text sending into a true client/server process, with GoldMine, as the client side, setting the flag in the calendar table, for GoldSMSBlast to operate on on the server side.

Blast checks GoldMine's cal table every 10 seconds by default.

Note: this module is not needed if you have no plans to send out broadcast or scheduled Text messages. If you only plan to send out blasts at specific times of the year you can leave it turned off 'til needed.

Tip: GoldSMS Blast can be used in conjunction with GoldMine's Automated Processes module to react to fast-changing urgent information, like financial or mortgage market fluctuations. Or you could integrate Texting into a series of escalating reminders, as might be used in medical/dental scheduling.

goldsms_blast.1392670225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/28 13:35 (external edit)